Saturday, March 10, 2012

Catching up on: Reverb 11 -- December 21: Project

December 21: Project --
What did you start this year that you’re proud of?

When I ran out of space in my Moleskine journal (for Books), I was getting ready to get a new one.  When I realized it was expensive. O_O

But I still wanted to write down my thoughts and keep track of my books.  

So I decided to open a blog for it.  I've been posting my thoughts about the books I've read on that blog since September last year and I have about 70+ reviews there -- and I'm enjoying the process.

I had considered handwriting my thoughts on a notebook -- but I am an impatient sort -- and my thoughts run faster than my hand.  So typing them down was my answer.

I have become a more thoughtful and more attentive reader.  I was telling F that now I take notes and "mark" (with post-its) entries that strike a cord in me.  I am reading more closely and more carefully now.

(And I have discovered my pace.  I average 1 book every 3 days. ^_^)

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